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A Culinary Journey from Iran to the UK

I was born in Iran and grew up learning to cook the food of my homeland from both my mother and grandma. They had a love of fresh ingredients and preparing everything from scratch, from preparing saffron to be used in our dishes to drying herbs for traditional dishes that require the use of dried herbs and not fresh.


I looked forward to passing these recipes on to my own children and throughout my life had a desire to one day start a business based on my knowledge and experience of Persian cuisine. I worked in cosmetics after arriving in the UK and wondered if I would ever be able to fulfill my dream of creating my own business. It was not until shortly before Covid arrived that I began cooking dishes for friends to test out who pushed me to turn the experiment into a business. When lockdown came I was inundated with people asking me whether I could provide a takeaway service and Persian Delights By Mali was born.

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From Events to Ready Meals: A Culinary Journey of Joy

I now cook for events as well as takeaways, supply frozen ready meals to local delis and food shops as well as providing cookery classes and look forward to seeing happy customers for a long time to come.

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